Before creating a Personal Budget for yourself, you need to sort out your expenses into different categories. This process will provide a better understanding of your expenditure practices. Then, you will be able to reach closer to your financial goals. On the other hand, reviewing your personal budget on a daily basis is a major part of financial learning. Because it will prevent you from overspending. However, if you ever find yourself in a tough situation to handle your personal finances, then you can use Free Personal Budget Templates which are surely helpful to get yourself from these situations.
Benefits of Personal Budgeting
Budgeting is so important because it enables people to make their lifestyles prosper and comfortable. They can easily achieve their financial goals for a specific period of time. If a person does not measure his personal budget, then he can’t manage his money. However, you need full control of your personal finances. For example, how much money you have and how much is going.
The personal and household budget templates are the best tools for assigning your specified income toward expenses. Deciding on a fixed amount for each budget item helps determine your spending record. Therefore, you can also include your saving history in your personal budget.
Personal budgeting gives you a guarantee for better improvement of your financial situation. You’ll feel relaxed and stress-free from the circumstances which are the forms of bad financial management. Further, you can get greater control over your spending and can set some life goals for the future and for motivation.
On the other hand, your personal budget enables you to clearly pin down the areas where you are spending your money too much. Many people spend too much on entertainment like eating out, impulse purchases, or fast food. So, using personal budgets, you can control this extra spending and spend money more wisely.
How to Prepare a Personal Budget?
Preparing a personal budget can seem overpowering, but we’ve some simple steps to help you take control of your personal spending and create your budget well organized.
- List down Your Income Sources: You can’t develop a budget without knowing your actual income for a specific time period. In the first step, make a list of your all sources of income.
For example, salary, net pay, benefits, property rents, etc. - Enlist Overall Expenses: After getting your sources of income, you have to move on to the next step which is enlisting overall expenses. You have to add all your fixed and variable spending to your list to manage your budget well.
- Calculate Income and Expenses: After collecting all income and expenses, make their total values. Compare their final values and find the greater one. If you have more income than you’re spending, then you have a good budget. This surplus of the budget will allow you to make financial goals for the future.
- Make a Plan: After setting up your goal, you have to make a plan to achieve it. So, build a saving plan which helps stick to your financial goal.
Free Personal Budget Templates
Here, we are offering you our latest and amazing Free Personal Budget Templates. All of them can be downloaded without paying or any paperwork.
Personal Weekly Budget Template
Here is an awesome Weekly Budget Template for personal use. It can be used for a great deal of your weekly spending. The worksheet has various sections to track weekly income and expenses (including utilities, groceries, transportation, entertainment, and misc.). Each section’s amount values will be calculated automatically using built-in formulas. In the end, you’ll get the budget summary that will also be updated. Moreover, some blank lines are placed at the bottom where you can put additional notes about your budget. This Weekly Budget Template is developed in an MS Excel sheet and you can download it free of cost.
To get the Personal Weekly budget template, click on the download button below.
Bi-Weekly Personal Budget Template
Sometimes, we face hard times managing our finance for half of the month. In this situation, we can’t find a way how to deal with our money. That’s why we offer you this bi-weekly budget planner that will surely help to manage your personal finances for two consecutive weeks. The budgeting worksheet comes with a wonderful layout in a blue theme. Using it, you can easily track your expenses and income for the next two weeks. You don’t need to calculate your values because the worksheet will do it automatically. Further, the template allows customizing the elements so you can easily replace any item. You can also add your notes in the blanks provided at the bottom. However, feel free and download the bi-weekly personal budget template in Excel format for free.
To get the Bi-Weekly Personal budget template, click on the download button below.
Monthly Personal Budget Template
To keep your personal financial budget on track, you can use our great monthly budgeting worksheet below. It’s a wonderful option for your personal budget. This template is broken down into parts to help users keep managing their monthly income and spending (including house living and regular payments). Further, the calculations will be done automatically using built-in formulas, and your net balance will be displayed in the summary section. So, this can be downloaded free of cost from the download button provided below to the sample image.
To get the Monthly Personal budget template, click on the download button below.
Yearly Personal Budget Template
Check out our latest and stunning Yearly Budgeting Worksheet in a Microsoft Excel file. With its landscape layout, one can easily manage his/her personal yearly cash flow well. This template allows you to track month-wise income and expenses over a year. The total of the values, however, will display automatically using built-in calculations. Furthermore, you can also get your year-end net balance in the summary section. To get this stunning yearly budget template, you need to hit a single click on the download button provided below.
To get the Yearly Personal budget template, click on the download button below.
Elisa Clark is a seasoned blogger renowned for her deep interest in office document processes and her dedication to sharing valuable templates with the audience. With a wealth of experience in the field, Elisa has become a trusted expert, helping countless individuals and businesses optimize their daily tasks through meticulous planning and effective document management.